Amidst hundreds of home maintenance chores, we often neglect our plumbing system. We ignore it when the drains first start to act up – and end up in a mess! Unfortunately, drains that require cleaning when neglected can cause colossal damage. It’s essential to look out for signs that you need your drains cleaned.

Today, we will talk about the causes behind drainage problems and the clear signs you need drain cleaning. Keep reading:

7 Tell-Tale Signs That You Need Your Drains Cleaned Soon!

How do you know that it’s time to clean the drains in your house? Here are some obvious ways your drainage system is trying to show you.

1. Slow Drains
Have you recently noticed that it’s taking longer than usual for the water to go down the kitchen or bathroom sink? Is it getting annoying to wait for the toilet or bathtubs to drain out? A slow drain is the most obvious sign that there’s a clog in the pipelines. So, the water doesn’t have sufficient space for free movement.

2. Water pooling in the Yard
Sometimes, you may notice small puddles in the yard, after a rainy day. This is a clear sign that your exterior drainage needs to be cleaned, or worse, repaired. The water in the yard should move into gutters or curbs. But if it stands in the yard instead, it means that there is an issue. This is usually right beneath the unwanted pool of water in the yard.

3. Foul Odor
Do you come home every day to a house filled with an unpleasant smell? Does the odor refuse to go, no matter how much you clean up? It could be coming from the drains. Fixtures often have traps to hold water and keep out foul gases. But if the pipes get filled with sludge build-up, they can cause smell until they are cleaned.

4. Gurgling Sound
If the water has a clean path down the drains, it will not make any noise. Gurgling or bubbling sounds, on the other hand, should make you sit up and take notice. Such sounds indicate that there is a partial blockage down the drainpipe. It can even be a sign of a partial or complete collapse of the drainage system in extreme cases.

5. Water Backing Up
Suppose you flush the toilet and notice water coming up – not only in the toilet but also in the bathtub or shower. That’s no less than a nightmare for any house owner, isn’t it? This water backup is a highly unsanitary situation that indicates pipeline obstruction. This clearly means that you need your drains cleaned as soon as possible.

6. Clogs and Overflowing
When water refuses to go down sinks, toilets, bathtubs, etc., it will eventually lead to complete clogs. What’s more embarrassing than an overflowing toilet, standing water in the washbasin, or a flooded bathroom floor? These are clear signs that the pipelines are blocked. Don’t wait for the clogs to get more frequent around the house.

Causes behind Blockage in the Drainage System

Evidently, the above problems occur due to partial or complete obstruction in the drainage system. What leads to such obstacles? Let’s find out the leading causes behind pipeline blockage.

a) Grease
We often throw cooking grease like fat or oil down the drains. This grease solidifies in the pipelines and creates blockages. Such buildups over a long time can eventually become problematic

b) Soap
Soap residue causes clogs in the smaller drainage pipes. This resume, known as soap scum, reduces the diameter of pipes. It combines with other substances and prevents water from passing smoothly.

c) Dirt
We usually just wash away dirt, hoping that that’s the end of it. What we don’t realize, however, is that dirt can stay in the pipelines. They also combine with other substances and form obstructions.

d) Hair
Some of the most stubborn drainage clogs in tub/shower take place because of hair and fur. These strands get tangled. Then, bits of other substances like dirt, grease, etc., get stuck to them and form clogs.

e) Food Waste
Food waste is a common cause of clogged kitchen sinks. Even a garbage disposal system can’t always prevent them from clotting. Tea leaves, coffee grounds, peels, etc., are very harmful.

f) Toiletries
From wipes to swabs, from diapers to feminine products – everything clogs the toilets. That’s because they don’t break down and dissolve. Even too much toilet paper can block the toilet pipeline.

g) Cat Litter
Do you know what’s in the cat litter box? There’s silica, sand, and clay! All of these can together be a recipe for disaster for the drainage system. They absorb water and form large lumps in the pipes.

h) Large Objects
If there are kids in the house, large objects getting flushed is not uncommon. Toys, rubber ducks, or any other large item can slip into the toilet. Needless to say, they can cause obstructions.

i) Plants, Leaves, and Roots
Any crack in the drains can lead to the growth of plants. They obstruct the path along the drainage system. Sometimes, plants and leaves also get stuck in drains, especially the external ones.

j) Mineral Build-Up
Sometimes, the water supplied to homes contains minerals like iron, calcium, magnesium, etc. Over time, minerals in hard water build up in the pipelines/or toilet. Thus, they constrict the path.

k) Offset Pipes
Over the course of many years, old pipes can move out of place due to expensive soil or earth tremors. The shifting and settling ground might push them upward. This can negatively impact how smoothly waste or liquid can flow.

Get Drain Cleaning Services Today!

Taking matters into your own hands to unclog and clean the drains is not a bad thing. However, if you see obvious signs that you need your drains cleaned, it’s best to choose professional services.

Plumbers and cleaners will know how best to handle deep cleaning without using harsh chemicals that harm the pipelines. They can even detect other hidden problems to prevent major disaster. So, talk to the drain pros and help the drains work smoothly.